This article explains how you can create a new target that can be used in rules. Everyone in your organization can use and duplicate targets you create.
To create a new target:
- Go to the Targets tab.
- Click New Target. The Create New Target page opens:
- Add a title to your target (e.g., External Walls).
- Select the IFC Schema version. By default, IFC 2x3 is selected. The selected version affects the IFC Entities, attributes, and properties available below. To change the IFC Schema version, click ✏️:
Select the correct version and click Save: - To select the IFC Entity, click ➕:
- The Select IFC Entity dialog opens. You can use the search to quickly find the relevant entities. Select an entity and click Select:
- Select the target criteria. You can either drag and drop an item on the left:
Or you can click the item and click Select:
For each item, there's a link to the BuildingSMART website, where you can find more info on that specific item (attribute or property set). See the highlighted text in the image above.
- Basic: The basic IFC attributes are the same for all IFC Entities (GlobalId, Name, ObjectType, PredefinedType and Tag)
- Property sets: The predefined property sets vary depending on the selected IFC Entity:
- Custom property sets: Custom property sets you have created or have access to:
- For example, if you wish to have External Walls as the target, you need to select the Pset_WallCommon IsExternal needs to be defined:
- Once you have all your criteria ready, click Create target.
- The target appears on the list of all targets and can now be used in rules.